1. Katy Perry’s Union Jack ink

Now that dual citizenship isn’t an option, neither is this tattoo.
2. Tom Cruis and his Danger Zone

May Goose finally rest in peace.
3. Al Gore’s Ethernet cable Tramp Stamp

Turns out he didn’t really invent the internet. Who knew?
4. Bruce Sprinsteen’s “Who’s The Real Boss” portrait

It was easy to get confused, but since the show has been canceled, The Boss no longer needs explaining to.
5. Rebecca Black’s cheat sheet sleeve

No longer will it be known as “Black Friday”. Tomorrow is still Saturday.
6. Kanye West’s “Kany West is Awesome” tattoo

Do you like fish sticks? Kanye doesn’t.
7. Enrique Iglesias’ mole tattoo

There one day and gone the next.
8. Mike Tyson and his full-face tattoo

Because a face completely covered by a tribal designs is just nuts.
9. Nicki Minaj’s homage to Sir Mix-A-Lot

Baby got back . . . her tattoo money.
10. Philip Seymour Hoffman’s ham sandwich

This one should have stayed, but it’s hard to edit out tattoos in post production.