Bad tattoos could mean crazy or wild tattoo designs or simply the wicked ones. Either way, the bad tattoos only grace those who have loads of guts to carry a boldly unconventional design on their body forever. The weird tattoo designs may not have any set theme, but the wearer may customize a traditional or a popular design with his or her unimaginable ideas to give it an eye-popping look.
Bad tattoos may not only attract the onlookers, but might also startle them with striking surprises. You never know, you may run into a cute bunny tattoo which is all bleeding and is bruised or see a beloved’s portrait tat turned into a zombie. The bad tattoos come with a whole kitty of surprises and shocks. The list of 35 bad tattoos below may prepare you for what’s all the bad tattoos are about.
My First Cool Tattoo
Wicked girl tattoo inspired from Mike Giant art “An Old Soul”.
English & Journalism Major
Tattoo serving as reminiscence college gang fights.
In The Process
Blue Bunny
It takes blood and sweat to earn your bread.
Zombie Girl
Revengeful tribute to the heart-breaker.
Sandwich Tattoo
Can’t do just with a single flavor.
Wrong Way Clown
The drunken-dead grumbling clown.
Creepy Blue Face
The blues could be ugly and scary.
Tattoo By Slick Rick
Getting those germs inside out.
Gut Guard
Showing out my killer instinct.
Family Name Loke
Self-obsession, can’t have enough of.
Mistaken Tattoo
Proclaimed to be hardcore brass knuckles and sparrows.
The Kid On The Left Path
Now that’s the first step to ink fanaticism.
Blue Fridge Tattoo
The only fan of the good old depreciated blue fridge.
Misfits Crimson Ghost
Maybe the artist was a kid trying his first tattoo ever.
Lomofied: Blindfolded Skull Tattoos
Too many figures to spot the blindfolded skull.
Creepy Cartoon Girl
The clown girl could scare in a nightmare.
Barbed Wire Webb
Stuck in barbed wires yet smiling, shocking.
Symbiotic Romanticism
Glutting out the brain with wild fantasies.
Finger Click
If only it clicks to your heart.
Bad Religion Suffer
Suffering of the bad religion.
Bad Boy Bubby
Size does matter, however creepy.
Nightmare Before Christmas
The ant fantasy on my ribs.
Iceland Tattoo
It might help me finally learn to draw my country’s map.
Good Times And The Bad
Laugh now cry later or better ideate for a cover-up.
Cracking Looking Backjob
Spine-chilling tattoo for the crazy tattoo fanatics.
Bad Ass Mother Fucker
Better not speak out but just show it out.
Tendon Cut
Memorial of a never-heal-able wound.
Captain Jack Sparrow Tattoo: Cleaned-Up
Feeling like Captain Jack himself.
Pokemon Yellow Tattoo
Can’t have enough of Pokemon and Super Mario.
Caterpillar Tattoo
Creeping caterpillar on the wrist
Creepy Heart With Devil Horns
Stuck between devilish and angelic voices of confused heart.
Homer Bad Ass
If only I was one of the Simpsons.
Favorite Joker Tattoo
The real feelings of a joker.